Sunday, June 3, 2012


My amazing, talented, and creative friend Michelle & her Mom, Genelle, threw me the most amazing girly bridal shower I could have ever dreamed up! From the surprise to the food to the decor, I was seriously in awe. I was under the impression that I was picking Michelle up at her parent's house last Sunday. We were supposed to be going to take a peek at the progress on Michelle & Morgan's new home. However, I pulled into her parent's driveway and this gorgeous group of ladies was waiting for me!

serious shock when I saw all my beautiful friends standing in Michelle's driveway

this was michelle's mom's wedding dress - just the start to the unbelievably creative decor 

my mom's fancy cupcakes - they taste even better than they look!

who knew a frying pan could get this girl that excited?

to hang my dress on!

Emily & her baby, Quinn!

Michelle & her 'baby', Peanut. Peanut is going to have to learn to share because Michelle is expecting and is due in November!

this dress was such a great idea...but kind of creepy at the same time?

okay - I love this picture! The look on Quinn's face is hilarious!

I just can't stop saying how blessed I am to have such great friends & family. I love how our upcoming wedding is bringing everyone together, it's so much fun! Maybe we should get married every five years? I think Marcus would beg to differ - my stress form wedding plan is enough to do us for a lifetime! And now, I'm off to see Michelle & Morgan's house for real this time!